Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Welcome to 2015-2016 School Year!

Welcome to 2015-2016 School Year!

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School 
Middle School Campus
The Life of Grace Course
Mrs. Biernat

Seventh Grade Religion
Course Syllabus 2015-2016 

The seventh grade course which uses The Life of Grace text focuses our study on God's saving love as it is revealed through His son Jesus in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.  It centers on the life and teachings of Jesus and the sacraments He instituted.  The students should become more literate about the Old and New Testaments through the daily readings and many passages reference in the text.  The aim is for the students to connect Scripture to their daily life experiences and to nurture spirituality and a life of prayer.  By the end of seventh grade, the students should have sufficient knowledge of the call to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Grading                                                                         Late Work

Homework                       10%                                       1 day late = 50%
Class/Group work/           15%
Prayer Quiz                      20%                                       2 days late = 0%
Quiz/Project                     20%
Test                                 35%

Exams will be given at the end of each semester and will count 10 percent of the semester grade.

Classroom Rules

1.  Arrive on time prepared with all class materials.
2.  At all times, show respect for your classmates, teacher, visitors, yourself and property.
3.  Reverence during prayer is essential.
4.  All other rules of the Middle School are in effect in the classroom.

I am available for tutorials, so please encourage your student to come as needed.

The Life of Grace (Faith and Life Series).  Ignatius Press, 2011
The New American Bible

Linda Biernat 

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