Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Prayers and Concepts

First Quarter                                               Quiz Dates
  • Our Father                                                                             September 2, 2015
  • Hail Mary                                                                               September 9, 2015
  • Glory Be                                                                                 September 9, 2015
  • Morning Offering                                                                   
  • Grace Before Meals
  • Grace After Meals
  • Act of Contrition                                                                   September 23, 2015
  • Guardian Angel                                                                    
  • Prayer to Saint Michael                                                        September 28, 2015
  • Prayer of Saint Francis
  • The Divine Praises
Second Quarter

  • Fatima Prayer
  • Prayers for the Dead
  • Apostles' Creed
  • Memorare
  • Hail Holy Queen
  • Ten commandments
  • Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary

Third Quarter
  • Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary
  • Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
  • Corporal Works of Mercy
  • Spiritual Works of Mercy
  • Act of Faith
  • Act of Hope
  • Act of Love
Fourth Quarter
  • Nicene Creed
  • Beatitudes
  • Prayer to the Holy Spirit
  • Virtues:  Theological and Cardinal/Moral

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